初節句と兜の選び方ガイド - ひなせい 五月人形

Guide to choosing the first festival and helmet

A guide to choosing a helmet decoration for your first festival

When you think of Tango no Sekku, you may think of helmet decorations.
When it comes to the first Doll Festival, I don't know what to choose...
I'm sure there are many mothers like that.

This time, we will tell you how to choose a helmet and what points to look out for.

How to choose the first festival

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A complete guide to choosing a helmet for your first festival

What is the significance of displaying a helmet on the first festival?

The reason for displaying a helmet on the first festival is to pray for the healthy growth and health of boys. Helmets were used as armor to protect the body in battle, so in modern times they are displayed as a symbol of protecting children . By displaying a helmet on the first festival, families pray for the health and safety of the child.

What kind of helmet should I choose for the first Doll Festival?

When choosing a helmet for the first festival, the size and design of the helmet are important. Choose a helmet that fits the space in your home and where you want to display it, from a compact size to a traditional large helmet. It is also a good idea to choose a design based on your family's preferences and historical background .

What is the recommended size for a helmet ornament?

Miniature helmets and traditional armor and helmet sets are popular gifts for the first festival . Recently, there has been an increase in helmets with modern designs that are simple and easy to display, and they are popular as gifts that fit the circumstances of modern families.

When is the best time to display a helmet for the first festival?

The time to decorate the helmet for the first festival is generally from mid-March to April . You can start decorating a few weeks before the festival, and prepare for the Boys' Festival on May 5th. By preparing early, you can celebrate with leisurely time even in your busy daily life.

What kind of helmet ornaments are popular as gifts for the first Doll Festival?

Miniature helmets and traditional armor and helmet sets are popular gifts for the first festival . Recently, there has been an increase in helmets with modern designs that are simple and easy to display, and they are popular as gifts that fit the circumstances of modern families.

Are there any rules for how to decorate a helmet?

There are no strict rules on how to display a helmet , but the most common way to do so is to display it in a prominent place , such as the living room or entrance of the house. Sometimes people also refer to traditional display methods, such as placing auspicious objects in front of the helmet ornament.

What else do I need besides a helmet to prepare for the first festival?

In addition to the helmet, you will need several other items to prepare for the first festival . For example, traditional decorations and food such as carp streamers, irises , and kashiwamochi will help create a more celebratory mood.

What types of helmet ornaments are there?

There are various types of helmet decorations , from traditional large helmets to compact mini helmets . There are armor helmet sets, helmets alone, helmets in cases, etc., so you can choose according to the space you want to display and your budget . Nowadays, simple and modern designs are also popular.

Do you have any ideas for gifts other than helmets to give to boys on their first Doll's Festival?

Other than helmets, other popular gifts for the first festival are personalized items, charms, and mementos. Wooden toys with the child's name on them and items that can be used for a long time are also popular.

How do I choose the size of the helmet?

The key to choosing the size of the helmet is to choose one that matches the space you have available and the interior of your home. Smaller helmets are popular because they save space, while larger helmets have a more traditional look . Choose the size according to where you want to display it .

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