[Submit a happy letter for the first festival]

For your irreplaceable first festival
I was given the opportunity.

For your family, the memories of Tango no Sekku are irreplaceable.

Here are some comments from customers who have purchased the product saying, "The joy of having a new member in the family"
We will introduce topics such as "The joy of celebrating your first Doll Festival."

When I saw the elaborate dishes and room decoration ideas, I was like, "I see. As expected!!"
There are many photos available for reference.

Customer Reviews

可愛い孫の成長を五月人形と願う|千葉県松戸市の理人くんの初節句こどもの日 - ひなせい 五月人形

Wishing for the growth of my cute grandson with...

For my grandchild's first festival, my daughter and I looked at a few doll shops and had a hard time deciding, but we decided on Hinasei. We will be praying...

Wishing for the growth of my cute grandson with...

For my grandchild's first festival, my daughter and I looked at a few doll shops and had a hard time deciding, but we decided on Hinasei. We will be praying...

素敵な五月人形でHAPPY:京都府京都市の晴志朗くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

Happy with a lovely May doll: Harushiro-kun fro...

They are both good friends, and we are very happy to be able to celebrate their first festival together as a family! In 2021, we displayed the helmet that my...

Happy with a lovely May doll: Harushiro-kun fro...

They are both good friends, and we are very happy to be able to celebrate their first festival together as a family! In 2021, we displayed the helmet that my...

徳川家康の兜飾り:長崎県大村市の克樹くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

Tokugawa Ieyasu's helmet ornament: Katsuki-kun ...

While we were looking for a helmet ornament of Tokugawa Ieyasu, we came across Hinasei's website. Both my husband and I were attracted by the design and high quality of...

Tokugawa Ieyasu's helmet ornament: Katsuki-kun ...

While we were looking for a helmet ornament of Tokugawa Ieyasu, we came across Hinasei's website. Both my husband and I were attracted by the design and high quality of...

楽しい初節句:静岡県静岡市の斗碧くん|端午の節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

A fun first festival: Tohei-kun from Shizuoka C...

I was supposed to be wearing a fancy costume for the photo shoot, but I got a little flustered because I didn't know what I was supposed to be wearing....

A fun first festival: Tohei-kun from Shizuoka C...

I was supposed to be wearing a fancy costume for the photo shoot, but I got a little flustered because I didn't know what I was supposed to be wearing....

かっこいい兜がお気に入り:茨城県守谷市の旭柊くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

My favorite is the cool helmet: Asahihira-kun f...

It's very cool and both my son and his parents love it! I'm also looking forward to taking pictures of him wearing this helmet when he grows up next year...

My favorite is the cool helmet: Asahihira-kun f...

It's very cool and both my son and his parents love it! I'm also looking forward to taking pictures of him wearing this helmet when he grows up next year...

被れる兜と初節句:静岡県焼津市の蓮士くん|端午の節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

Wearable helmet and first festival: Renshi-kun ...

Congratulations on your first birthday! I'm living a happy life every day since Renshi was born. I love Renshi for making everyone smile. Let's continue to laugh and grow!

Wearable helmet and first festival: Renshi-kun ...

Congratulations on your first birthday! I'm living a happy life every day since Renshi was born. I love Renshi for making everyone smile. Let's continue to laugh and grow!