Collection: [Tokugawa Ieyasu Category] May Dolls

No. 10 Armor Tokugawa Ieyasu Gold
Collection Tokugawa Ieyasu
Tokugawa Ieyasu survived the Sengoku period and unified the country.
As shown in Ieyasu's motto, "If the cuckoo does not sing, then I will wait until it does,"
I valued the importance of not rushing and waiting for the right time.
This is a series of armor and helmet decorations of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
徳川家康 兜鎧飾りと五月人形特集
1. 徳川家康の生涯と波乱の人生
徳川家康 五月人形と兜飾りのガイド
2. 名前の改名とその意味
竹千代から徳川家康へ 〜 初節句の五月人形の象徴
3. 若き日の苦難と人質生活
家康 五月人形・兜飾りに込められた試練の物語
4. 天下統一への戦い
関ヶ原の戦いと徳川家康 兜飾りが伝える決断の歴史
5. 江戸幕府の設立と平和
6. 名君・徳川家康の信念
7. 「鳴かぬなら鳴くまで待とうホトトギス」
8. 徳川家康の兜と歯朶の葉
9. 徳川四天王
10. 徳川家康 名言厳選8選
1. 徳川家康の生涯と波乱の人生
徳川家康 五月人形と兜飾りのガイド
2. 名前の改名とその意味
竹千代から徳川家康へ 〜 初節句の五月人形の象徴
3. 若き日の苦難と人質生活
家康 五月人形・兜飾りに込められた試練の物語
4. 天下統一への戦い
関ヶ原の戦いと徳川家康 兜飾りが伝える決断の歴史
5. 江戸幕府の設立と平和
6. 名君・徳川家康の信念
7. 「鳴かぬなら鳴くまで待とうホトトギス」
8. 徳川家康の兜と歯朶の葉
9. 徳川四天王
- 井伊直政:赤備えの猛将として戦場を駆け抜けた名将。
- 本多忠勝:一生無傷と称された天下無双の武士。
- 榊原康政:家康の忠臣として戦略を支えた将。
- 酒井忠次:外交と内政を支えた家臣。
10. 徳川家康 名言厳選8選
- 「人の一生は重荷を負うて遠き道を行くが如し。」
- 「焦らず、怒らず、気長に待て。」
- 「信頼は最も価値ある財産である。」
10th Armor Tokugawa Ieyasu | Stylish white May doll | Decorate as interior | Helmet armor decoration Tango no Sekku decoration Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥231,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
Tokugawa Ieyasu | Cowhide armor decoration | Different texture | May doll | Authentic | Stylish helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥346,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable armor | Tokugawa Ieyasu | May doll | Largest size | Stylish helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥346,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 10 Armor | Tokugawa Ieyasu Gold | Elegant May Doll | Decorate your living room | | Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration, Boys' Festival Decoration, Children's Day, May Doll, Popular
Regular price ¥231,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable helmet Tokugawa Ieyasu Raou | Popular helmet decoration | Large May doll | Highly recommended for its excellent workmanship | Stylish helmet armor decoration Tango no Sekku decoration Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥176,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable and storable helmet ornament Tokugawa Ieyasu Gold | May doll | Gold color (gold) | May doll | Stylish helmet armor ornament Tango no Sekku ornament Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥176,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Tomomi Kato's work | 1/3 Tokugawa Ieyasu helmet | Flat display May doll | Cool limited edition | Compact and stylish Helmet armor decoration Tango no Sekku decoration Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥159,600Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable helmet Tokugawa Ieyasu Gold | May doll | Extra large May doll that you can wear | Stylish helmet armor decoration Tango no Sekku decoration Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥213,150Regular priceUnit price / per -
Armor decoration No. 12 | Golden Tokugawa Ieyasu | May doll | Stylish helmet armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥288,750Regular priceUnit price / per -
12th Armor Tokugawa Ieyasu | Delighted! May Doll | Stylish | White | Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥288,750Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable and storable helmet ornament Tokugawa Ieyasu Raou | May dolls | Popular shop | Stylish helmet armor ornaments, Boys' Festival ornaments, Children's Day, May dolls, popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
3D No. 12 Tokugawa Ieyasu Platinum | Small May Doll Compact Decoration | Sengoku Warlord | Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 7 Tokugawa Ieyasu's Armor | Reasonably priced but cool May doll | Compact, stylish, helmet and armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 8 helmet, dull green, Tokugawa Ieyasu | Beautifully colored helmet | May doll | 45cm flat display | Compact, stylish, helmet armor display, Boys' Festival display, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥92,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 8 Blue Tokugawa Ieyasu Helmet Decoration | The helmet sparkles and shines | Beautiful | May Doll | 45cm Flat Decoration | Compact Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Width 37cm May Doll Storage Helmet Decoration | No. 4 | Dull Green | Tokugawa Ieyasu | Warring States Period General Who Built Peace Without War | Compact Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥80,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4, dull green, Tokugawa Ieyasu | Moon-shaped, natural | May doll to display at the entrance | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥71,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 8 dull green | Tokugawa Ieyasu | Storage helmet ornament | Achieved national unification | Width 50cm May doll | Compact, stylish, helmet armor ornament, Boy's Day ornament, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥108,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 8, dull green, Tokugawa Ieyasu helmet | Round acrylic case | The majesty and grandeur of a ruler of the country | May doll, 45cm living space | Compact, stylish, helmet and armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥126,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4, dull green, Tokugawa Ieyasu | Perfect for displaying on May 5th when the new greenery comes | Flower Moon Boy's Day dolls, Hada armor | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May dolls, popular
Regular price ¥71,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Tokugawa Ieyasu storage helmet | May doll compact decoration | Small helmet decoration | Compact stylish helmet armor decoration Tango no Sekku decoration Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥81,900Regular priceUnit price / per -
12 Tokugawa Ieyasu storage helmet, platinum | May doll, helmet, helmet decoration, compact decoration | stylish helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per

Name banner
Bought together
Name flag 5Y-15 | Boys | Family crest | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name, naming flag
Regular price ¥18,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
Name flag 5Y-14 | Boy | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name Naming flag
Regular price ¥19,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Name flag 5A-15G | Boy | Date of birth | Stylish and cute embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name, naming flag
Regular price ¥13,600Regular priceUnit price / per -
Name flag 5Y-11 Ozora | Boy | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name, naming flag
Regular price ¥17,000Regular priceUnit price / per
Our Commitment
ひなせい 五月人形
Request for the latest catalogue of May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations, Children's Day, May dolls