Collection: [Date Masamune Category] May Dolls

No. 10 Armor Date Masamune
Date Masamune
The reason why Masamune Date's May dolls are so popular is not only because of the appearance of the helmet itself, but also because
He was popular, lucky, and excelled in both the arts and sciences.
It seems that many people choose this name in honor of his longevity, having survived war-torn times and lived to be 70 years old.
The May doll features Masamune Date's characteristic crescent moon shining brilliantly.
This is the perfect gift to celebrate your child's birth and wish them healthy growth.
伊達政宗 五月人形 兜鎧飾り 生き様 人物像 初節句
1. 伊達政宗 五月人形が人気の理由
2. 伊達政宗の生い立ちと人物像
東北一の御曹司|五月人形 兜鎧飾り
3. 戦国武将 伊達政宗の生き様
戦乱を生き抜いた|五月人形 兜鎧飾り
4. 伊達政宗が“独眼竜”と呼ばれた理由
|五月人形 端午の節句飾り
5. 伊達政宗 五月人形|兜鎧飾りの特徴と意味
6. 文武両道の武将 伊達政宗
教養と戦略|五月人形 兜鎧飾り
7. 伊達政宗 戦いのセンス|天下を掴む可能性
|五月人形 兜鎧飾り
8. 伊達政宗の名言集|初節句に贈りたい8つの言葉
9. 三日月の兜|伊達政宗の兜飾りに込められた意味
10. 伊達政宗 兜鎧飾りが語る文化的価値
1. 伊達政宗 五月人形が人気の理由
2. 伊達政宗の生い立ちと人物像
3. 戦国武将 伊達政宗の生き様
4. 伊達政宗が“独眼竜”と呼ばれた理由
5. 伊達政宗 五月人形|兜鎧飾りの特徴と意味
6. 文武両道の武将 伊達政宗
7. 伊達政宗 戦いのセンス
8. 伊達政宗の名言集
- 「茶器を割ったのではない。
自分の器量の小ささを割ったのだ。」 - 「言葉は心の鏡なり。」
- 「人の心を動かすには、
まず自分の心を動かせ。」 - 「仁義礼智信を守れ。」
- 「敵を知り己を知れば
百戦危うからず。」 - 「曇りなき 心の月を先だてて
浮世の闇を照してぞ行く。」 - 「最大の敵は外からではない。
不平分子が家を亡ぼすのだ。」 - 「立身出世には三つの道がある。
9. 三日月の兜
10. 初節句に贈る伊達政宗の兜鎧飾り
Wearable and storable helmet ornament Date Masamune Black | Bronze | May doll | Stylish helmet armor ornament Tango no Sekku ornament Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥176,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable helmet, Date Masamune, black | The rustic, oxidized silver color is lovely | May dolls | Stylish helmet and armor decorations, Boys' Festival decorations, Children's Day, May dolls, popular
Regular price ¥213,150Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 10 Date Masamune Armor | Cool and stylish May doll | High quality | Rare | Stylish Helmet armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May doll, Popular
Regular price ¥231,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable helmet ornament Date Masamune Platinum | Wearable helmet ornament | Large flat ornament | May doll | Stylish helmet armor ornament Tango no Sekku ornament Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥176,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable helmet ornament Date Masamune | Crescent moon May doll of warlord Date Masamune of the Sendai domain | Stylish helmet armor ornament, Boys' Festival ornament, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥176,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable and storable helmet ornament Date Masamune, platinum | Wearable | Storage ornament | May doll | Stylish helmet armor ornament, Boys' Festival ornament, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Tomomi Kato's work | 1/3 scale Masamune Date helmet | Well-made May dolls and armor | Compact and stylish helmet and armor decorations, Boys' Festival decorations, Children's Day, May dolls, popular
Regular price ¥138,600Regular priceUnit price / per -
Wearable and storable helmet ornament Date Masamune | Wearable | Stowable | May doll | Stylish helmet armor ornament Tango no Sekku ornament Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4 Bronze | Date Masamune Storage Helmet Decoration | Width 37cm May Doll | Good sense of battle, bravery, courage | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May Doll, popular
Regular price ¥84,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
Width 37cm May Doll Storage Helmet Decoration | No. 4 | Dull Green | Date Masamune | Bold and courageous, dedicated to academics | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May Doll, popular
Regular price ¥80,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
Width 50cm May Doll Storage Helmet Decoration | No. 8 Bronze Helmet | Date Masamune | Attractive appearance | Compact Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥108,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4, dull green, Date Masamune | Half moon, natural | Exquisite crescent moon and circle shape, May doll | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥71,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 8 bronze Date Masamune helmet | May dolls to display for the first festival | One-eyed dragon | 45cm flat display | Compact, stylish, helmet and armor display, Boys' Festival display, Children's Day, May dolls, popular
Regular price ¥92,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Width 50cm May Doll Storage Helmet Decoration | No. 8 Dull Green | Date Masamune | Modern Natural | Brave and Highly Refined | Compact Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥108,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4 Bronze Date Masamune | Crescent Moon Brown May Doll | Compact Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥71,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4 bronze Masamune Date helmet ornament | A May doll for spending Golden Week with your family | A compact, stylish helmet and armor ornament, Boys' Festival ornament, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥75,600Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 8, dull green | Date Masamune | Round acrylic case | Width 45cm May doll | Scandinavian interior, modern and smart | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥126,000Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4, dull green, Date Masamune | | New design that will fit in your room | May doll | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥71,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
Date Masamune storage helmet | May doll compact type | Small storage box | Stylish helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥81,900Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 12 Masamune Date storage helmet, platinum | May doll, helmet, compact decoration | Stylish helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Child General Decoration Date Masamune | May Doll | Dignified Expression | Face | Compact Stylish Helmet Armor Decoration Tango no Sekku Decoration Children's Day May Doll Popular
Regular price ¥176,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 7 Date Masamune Armor | Small and elegant May doll | Cool | Compact and stylish Helmet armor decoration Tango no Sekku decoration Children's Day May doll Popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
3D No. 12 Masamune Date, white gold | May doll, compact decoration | Traditional crafts | Stylish helmet armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥115,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
モダンなケース入り飾り| 武将 伊達政宗の兜 | 五月人形|ブルー 青|六角ケース|コンパクト おしゃれ 兜鎧飾り 端午の節句飾り こどもの日 5月人形 人気
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
扱いやすいケース入り飾り| 武将 伊達政宗の鎧| 五月人形|六角ケース|モダン|コンパクト おしゃれ 兜鎧飾り 端午の節句飾り こどもの日 5月人形 人気 かわいい
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
扱いやすいケース入り飾り| 武将 伊達政宗の兜| 五月人形|ケースタイプ|オルゴール付き|モダン|コンパクト おしゃれ 兜鎧飾り 端午の節句飾り こどもの日 5月人形 人気 かわいい
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
扱いやすいケース入り飾り| 武将 伊達政宗の兜| 五月人形|ケースタイプ|オルゴール付き|モダン|コンパクト おしゃれ 兜鎧飾り 端午の節句飾り こどもの日 5月人形 人気 かわいい
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
扱いやすいケース入り飾り| 武将 伊達政宗の鎧| 五月人形|六角ケース|モダン|コンパクト おしゃれ 兜鎧飾り 端午の節句飾り こどもの日 5月人形 人気 かわいい
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
扱いやすいケース入り飾り| 武将 伊達政宗の兜 | 五月人形|ブルー 青|六角ケース|モダン|コンパクト おしゃれ 兜鎧飾り 端午の節句飾り こどもの日 5月人形 人気 かわいい
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
Easy-to-use case decoration | Date Masamune's helmet (with tag) | May doll | Blue | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥39,800Regular priceUnit price / perSold out -
Glass case decoration | Affordable Masamune Date helmet | May doll, blue | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boys' Festival decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥39,800Regular priceUnit price / perSold out -
Case decoration | Affordable May doll of Date Masamune | Cool | Silver | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥29,800Regular priceUnit price / per¥32,800Sale price ¥29,800Sale -
No. 8, dull green | Date Masamune | Round acrylic case | Width 45cm May doll | Scandinavian interior, modern and smart | Compact, stylish, helmet armor decoration, Boy's Day decoration, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥118,400Regular priceUnit price / per -
No. 4 bronze Masamune Date helmet ornament | A May doll for spending Golden Week with your family | A compact, stylish helmet and armor ornament, Boys' Festival ornament, Children's Day, May doll, popular
Regular price ¥105,000Regular priceUnit price / per
Name banner
Bought together
Name flag 5T-5 Blue | Boy | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name Naming flag
Regular price ¥10,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Name flag 5Y-12 Daichi | Boy | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name, naming flag
Regular price ¥1,800Regular priceUnit price / per -
Name flag 5T-6 green | Boy | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name Naming flag
Regular price ¥10,500Regular priceUnit price / per -
Name flag 5T-16 Green | Boy | Date of birth | Cute and stylish embroidery | Boys' Day decoration | Indoor name tag with name Naming flag
Regular price ¥13,800Regular priceUnit price / per
Our Commitment
ひなせい 五月人形
Request for the latest catalogue of May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations, Children's Day, May dolls