Q&A about May Dolls

五月人形の防虫剤・乾燥剤の入れ方・どこに入れる - ひなせい 五月人形

How to store insect repellent and desiccant in ...

When storing a May doll, what kind of insect repellent or desiccant should I use? How much should I put in? What are some tips on how to store it...

How to store insect repellent and desiccant in ...

When storing a May doll, what kind of insect repellent or desiccant should I use? How much should I put in? What are some tips on how to store it...

五月人形(兜鎧)をしまう日時期は、いつ?片付ける - ひなせい 五月人形

When is the best time to put away the May dolls...

So, after the fun event of Children's Day is over , when is the best time to clean up? I'm sure many of you are wondering that.

When is the best time to put away the May dolls...

So, after the fun event of Children's Day is over , when is the best time to clean up? I'm sure many of you are wondering that.

お庭に飾りたい鯉のぼり 小さいベランダ用こいのぼり 5月5日のこどもの日 庭園用 - ひなせい 五月人形

Koinobori (carp streamers) for decorating your ...

Carp streamers are used as a symbol of hope for the healthy growth of boys. They are hung up in hopes of boys' growth so that children can see the...

Koinobori (carp streamers) for decorating your ...

Carp streamers are used as a symbol of hope for the healthy growth of boys. They are hung up in hopes of boys' growth so that children can see the...

五月人形(兜飾り)のお下がりはダメですか?NG 飾らないと、どうなる? - ひなせい 五月人形

Is it okay to give away May dolls (helmet ornam...

Will you prepare a May doll for the first festival of your new family member? Or not? This is a reference for those wondering what to do.

Is it okay to give away May dolls (helmet ornam...

Will you prepare a May doll for the first festival of your new family member? Or not? This is a reference for those wondering what to do.

五月人形(兜飾り)端午の節句飾りは、誰が買う(購入する)の?どちらの両親が用意? - ひなせい 五月人形

Who buys the Boys' Festival dolls (helmet decor...

It's a bit late to ask now, but many people seem to be wondering, "Who buys May dolls?" The Boys' Festival, Children's Day on May 5th, varies slightly depending on...

Who buys the Boys' Festival dolls (helmet decor...

It's a bit late to ask now, but many people seem to be wondering, "Who buys May dolls?" The Boys' Festival, Children's Day on May 5th, varies slightly depending on...

五月人形 兜飾り 端午の節句飾りの値段 金額 相場の平均予算って、どのくらい? - ひなせい 五月人形

What is the average price range for May dolls, ...

I want to prepare a May doll, but I wonder what kinds are available and how much it would cost... What is the average price range?

What is the average price range for May dolls, ...

I want to prepare a May doll, but I wonder what kinds are available and how much it would cost... What is the average price range?