五月人形の子供大将飾りで端午の節句 ニコニコ初節句|愛知県名古屋市の晴喜君

Boys' Festival with a May doll for the first time | Haruki-kun, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture

After displaying the May doll that was sent to us, my husband and I were very pleased and thought that we were glad we chose Hinasei.

Elegant, cute and gorgeous! And best of all, it looks just like my son ♡♡

For the first festival, we celebrated by making a lot of delicious food.

I will treasure it every year.
Even though he is only 0 years old, he smiles when he sits in front of the chef.

My son seems to really like it too.
Thank you for the wonderful May doll (Kids' General).

My name is Tsujii, and I am a staff member at Hinasei Dolls in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Seeing Haruki's happy expression makes his family feel warm inside.
All the photos are very expressive and adorable.

We are also honored that you liked our May dolls.

Please decorate your home with your Kodomo Taisho again next year and enjoy a fun festival filled with smiles.

Thank you for this opportunity.

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