かわいい五月人形の子供大将飾りで端午の節句 初節句|東京都の臥玖君 - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrate the Boys' Festival with a cute May doll for the first time | Tokyo's Gaku-kun

Thank you so much, very cute child general.

I will cherish it.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hinasei.
Thank you for the lovely, heartwarming photos and letter.

Gaku-kun smiles with the chef's ornament.
It's so cute.

I'm sure he will grow up to be a kind and strong child just like his father.
It's amazing to see them grow day by day.

I hope you continue to make fun memories through the Boys' Festival.
And strengthen the bonds between your family members.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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