我が子に似てる 五月人形の子供大将飾りで端午の節句 初節句|焼津市の青葉くん

A doll that looks like my child, a May doll for the Boys' Festival, a first for the Boys' Festival | Aoba-kun from Yaizu City

When I bought my eldest son's helmet, I thought dolls were cute too, and I was thinking of getting a Hina doll for my second son when he was born.
Three years later, my second son was born and I immediately went to Hinasei and decided on this doll.

I like the gentle face of this doll, but this one is carefully made with attention to detail in the armor and helmet, and is a doll that I can show off to everyone, so I really like it.
The doll's face somewhat resembles my child's, so I've grown attached to it and look forward to displaying it every year.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Yoshinaga, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Hinasei takes pride in working with dolls that, however small, are made with great care down to the fine details of the armor and helmets.

It is a May doll that will be a lifelong memory and is given by all families with the hopes of their children growing up strong and happy, so we do not want to cut corners in any way, no matter how small, so it is a great honour.

The face of the May doll looks somewhat like Aoba-kun.

I'm looking forward to the day when a child will say, "When I was little, I looked just like this May doll."

We sincerely pray that you will grow up healthy and strong.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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