五月人形の鎧飾りで端午の節句 初節句 こどもの日|島田市の逢生くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival with armor decoration of May dolls, first festival, Children's Day | Aisei-kun, Shimada City

My doll is cool, right?

On Children's Day, we went to Rengejiike Park!

I took a photo with my doll, showing my face, which has been my latest fad!

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

The look on his face as he smiles proudly next to the May doll is indescribable.

It has such expressive faces!

When boys grow up, when they invite friends over to their house, they seem to have conversations like, "Your helmet is cool," and "Yukimura's? It's cool!"

Customers told us that, especially with the current boom in military commanders, such conversations are taking place in the upper grades of elementary school.

May dolls are meant to protect children, ward off illness, and pray for good health.

Even if they may feel that it is just a helmet and armor when they are young, I hope that when they grow up and become aware of their family's feelings, they will truly realize how much they have been raised with care.

May your child grow up healthily, protected by the support of all your family members!

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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