五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句のプレゼント|千葉県富里市の優音くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | First Boys' Festival gift | Yuune-kun from Tomisato City, Chiba Prefecture

After searching the internet for numerous May doll stores, the one that stood out was "Hinasei."
Each piece is carefully crafted down to the smallest detail, and the moment they are hung up the room becomes more lively.

It's still too big to wear, but it's now the perfect size.
I am really looking forward to walking with this helmet as it grows and eventually feels smaller.

It was a great present for my son who celebrated his first birthday.
My whole family is very happy.

Thank you Hinasei for the wonderful helmet.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Ohata, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
Thank you for the heartwarming photos.

Thank you for choosing us from among the many companies out there!
At the moment, the helmet is still a little too big for your head to swim around in, but gradually it will get just right, and then in a few years it will no longer fit inside...I think you'll be able to enjoy watching your head grow!

This helmet is modeled after Uesugi Kenshin, known as the Tiger of Echigo, and we are sure your child will grow up to have many friends, be respected by everyone, and be a reliable protector of everyone!
I want the May doll to protect Yuune-kun well!

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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