五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|袴を着てお祝い 北海道札幌市の龍成くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival First Festival with a May Doll Helmet Decoration | Celebrating wearing a Hakama Ryusei-kun from Sapporo, Hokkaido

My grandparents searched hard for a helmet for my son's first Doll's Festival and bought him a wonderful helmet from Hinasei.

I have seen it many times in catalogs and on the Internet, but when I saw it in person,
The whole family is very happy with how great it is!

My son had this expression when he saw the cool helmet!
He seemed very happy to be able to celebrate his first Doll Festival with his beloved grandparents and with these cool helmets!

I look forward to decorating it every year!
thank you very much!!


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

My name is Tsujii, and I am a staff member at Hinasei Dolls in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Your letter clearly conveyed how happy you were to celebrate your child's first Doll's Festival, which made us very happy.
Thank you for the happy report!

I am honored that you have praised the dignity and charm of the actual helmet.
I hope you were able to sense a strength that cannot be fully expressed in a photograph.
I am very happy to see how nicely you decorated it.

Are those arranged irises?
Flowers really bring out the atmosphere of the festival and it's so lovely! I'm so touched.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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