五月人形の子供大将飾りで端午の節句 初節句のお祝い|静岡県掛川市の航希くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating the Boys' Festival with a May doll for a child general | Koki-kun from Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Since my dad was away on a business trip, we celebrated as a family of three.
They are growing so fast and I am amazed every day.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
Surrounded by his mother and kind-looking older sister, Koki's very calm expression shows that he is being showered with love.

Looking at the pictures of the adorable Koki-kun, the little general, and the carp streamers,
I think this will give dads who are working away from home the motivation to do their best.
Not only are there child generals, but there are also carp streamers and wearable helmets, giving the festival a special feeling!
We also focus on making products that are easy to display.

I hope that next year, when dad returns from his work assignment, he will be able to enjoy celebrating the festival with us.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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