五月人形のカタログを請求して選んだ兜飾りで 初節句|凛々しい姿の愛知県江南市の柊羽くん - ひなせい 五月人形

The first festival of the Boy's Festival, with a helmet ornament selected from a catalog of May dolls | The dignified Hiiragi-kun from Konan City, Aichi Prefecture

A dignified son

Boys' Festival First Festival with a helmet decoration for May dolls | A dignified Hiiragi-kun from Konan City, Aichi Prefecture

Doll Hinasei

This year, for my first Children's Festival, I purchased a helmet and thanks to it I was able to have a wonderful first Children's Festival.

My son was born on May 12th. As it would be his first birthday soon after he was born, my mother had been requesting catalogs for him about a year ago and had decided that she wanted to buy a gift from Hinasei.

In fact, when I saw Takejaku's helmet in a store this year, I was so impressed with the careful work of the craftsmen that I chose it, and I'm really glad I did.
I plan to treasure it and display it every year to celebrate my son's growth.
As you can see in the picture, my son was smiling and happy the whole time.

thank you very much!


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
We are very honored that you have been considering our helmet ornaments for the past year!
thank you.
Hiiragi-kun in his hakama has a slightly dignified look on his face, creating a lovely atmosphere that is perfect for the Boys' Festival.
The staff and craftsmen are all soothed by her smiling face.
The real Hiiragiha was even cuter than he appears in the photos, and I'm sure his family was beaming with smiles.

When displayed in a balanced manner on the tokonoma alcove, the helmet looks even more powerful!
Please decorate it every year and enjoy a wonderful Tango no Sekku festival.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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