五月人形のお顔がそっくりな子供大将飾りで端午の節句 初節句|埼玉県行田市の巧くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating the Boys' Festival with a child general decoration that looks just like a May doll's face | Takumi-kun from Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture

I was given the title of Koshou-sho by my parents.
He looks just like my son, and his name Takumi even sounds the same.
We had a fun first Doll's Festival surrounded by the "two Takkuns."
Thank you for a wonderful doll.

Dear Hina-sei

With the new tea in season, we are pleased to hear that your company is doing well.
I wrote to express my gratitude for allowing me to enjoy a fun first festival surrounded by May dolls.

The child general Takumi, a gift from his parents at home, has gentle eyebrows and eyes just like his son, and the name Takumi even sounds the same as his son.
Everyone in the family calls him "Little Takkun" and loves him.

When I heard that my parents and sisters had traveled from Saitama to Shizuoka for hours to buy it,
I thought there was no need to go to such lengths.
However, when they compared the two Takkuns, their parents were delighted and exclaimed, "They look alike! They look alike!"
I could feel the love for my grandson and thought it was a really good gift.

We also had a great time listening to stories of memories from Shizuoka at the first festival dinner party.
I feel that Hinasei's "Kid General Takumi" has strengthened the bonds within my family.
Thank you very much.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
I was very happy to learn from your letter that your child's doll was made with so much love from your family!
thank you.
We would also like to thank you for coming from far away.
Just as the letter said, my heart was warmed as my feelings for Takumi were conveyed.

Looking at the photo you sent me, Takumi-kun's gentle expression and eyes are certainly similar to our little chef, so it's almost like he was custom-made.

We hope that next year you will be able to enjoy the Boys' Festival by decorating.
Please decorate it every year and tell your children the story of how your grandparents or sisters bought it for you.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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