じいじとばあばからもらった僕のかっこいい兜:静岡県藤枝市の珀くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

My cool helmet given to me by my grandparents: Haku-kun from Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

Boys' Festival May Dolls
May Doll Memories
Memories of the first festival

My cool helmet given to me by my grandparents: Haku-kun from Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

Haku-kun, next to Papa's doll for his first annual celebration is my cool helmet, a present from Grandpa and Grandma!!
I also took a photo with my sister!
They will grow up healthy and strong!!


My cool helmet given to me by my grandparents: Haku-kun from Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Next to Daddy's doll is Haku-kun's helmet.
And two beautiful grandchildren.

The grandfather and grandmother must have been especially moved.
We would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations on Haku-kun's first Doll's Festival.

Boys love the long sticks and weapons that Haku has in his hands.
Along with the cool helmet, the bow and sword will ward off evil spirits and protect Haku-kun.

With history piled up, and the May dolls lined up next to each other again...it really makes your dreams grow.
I wish you and your family good health and long-lasting prosperity.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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