家族の大切な時間:アメリカ在住の淳くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

Precious family moments: Jun-kun, who lives in the US | Boys' Festival, First Boys' Festival

Memories of the first festival
First Boys' Festival

Precious family moments: Jun-kun, who lives in the US | Boys' Festival, First Boys' Festival

We were able to celebrate my son's first Doll's Festival without any problems.
I currently live in the US and was wondering if it would be difficult to celebrate the first Doll Festival.
Thanks to Hinasei and my parents who live in Japan, the May doll was safely mailed to America, and I was able to celebrate my son's first Doll Festival.

Our son is now 8 months old. We were able to celebrate our first Boys' Festival together, and I believe this was a precious moment of family time that will remain in our hearts.

Unfortunately, this year my husband, who is currently working away from home in Europe, and my parents, who live in Japan and who gave me the May dolls, were not able to see them in person.

However, I am truly happy to be able to express my gratitude to my parents who live in Japan through the video call.
Also, when we were looking at the May dolls, my husband said, "I don't know Japanese culture," and I felt pushed away.
However, the moment she saw Hinasei's photo of Tokugawa Ieyasu's armor, she said that Japan has a wonderful traditional culture and that she wanted to learn more about it, and now she has studied and knows more about Tokugawa Ieyasu than I do.

To me, Tango no Sekku is a wonderful day when people can connect with each other even if they are far apart, and can remember precious family time together every year.

I am so grateful that my son's first festival celebration was a success, something I would never have been able to do on my own. I can't wait to display the May dolls again next year.

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Precious family moments: Jun-kun, who lives in the US | Boys' Festival, First Boys' Festival

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
The luxurious yet refreshing impression of the armor decoration suits Jun very well.
You can almost hear Jun's happy voice saying, "This is my armor and helmet!"

And thank you for a very valuable and memorable experience.
The Boys' Festival is "a wonderful day every year when you can remember precious time with your family."
That's absolutely true.

Even though we were far apart, this year's first festival allowed us to connect with each other's hearts.
We hope that every Tango Festival will be a wonderful day for your family.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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