五月人形の鎧飾りで端午の節句 飾る楽しみ 初節句|焼津市の蓮人君

The joy of decorating for the Boys' Festival with armor decorations for May dolls | Renjin-kun, Yaizu City

This is XX, who purchased a May doll (armor) from Hinasei the other day.
Thank you very much for that.

My grandparents were very happy to get such fine armor.
I'm really looking forward to decorating it again next year.

I received a letter saying that they were looking for photos for the first Doll Festival, so I sent some.
Thank you very much.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Comments of gratitude from Takeaki Aoki, president of May Dolls Hinasei

Thank you for posting the photo of the May doll (armor).

And what a fun photo of the whole family!
I'll keep it up on the website, so
We would be happy if you would come to this site with your children every time you display your May doll (armor).

The meaning of the May doll (armor) is that it allows parents and children to talk about how their baby was born like this.
It's going to be a fun May 5th decorating...

And as your child grows a little more each year, please teach them the value of spiritual richness.


Thank you for the connection from Yaizu!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

Renjin has a dignified expression in front of the May doll.

Raise your child to be as wise as the gods, as strong as a helmet, and as healthy as a child...

It's a gift that is filled with the thoughts of not only your parents, but also your grandparents.

I look forward to decorating it every year!
These are very welcome words for our staff who work hard at manufacturing.


Thank you from Yaizu for this wonderful opportunity.

We are staff members at Hinasei, a May doll maker.

Renjin looks so cool in front of the fearless Tenjin-sama and the brave armor and helmet.
The jinbaori also suits him perfectly.

Like Tenjin-sama, he excelled in the arts and sciences, and was also strong and brave.
It is a smile that shines with the wishes of everyone, including Mom and Dad.

Each May doll has a different wish embedded in it.
We feel very happy that the dolls we made can be celebrated at such a wonderful festival.

Please continue to make fun celebration memories every year.

This is a website for posting photos, images and comments about the Boy's Day celebration with May dolls.
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.
Hinasei is also very happy to have been able to help with the First Doll Festival celebration.

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