Is it okay to give away May dolls (helmet ornaments)? No. What happens if we don't display them?

Will you prepare a May doll for the first festival of your new family member? Or not?

This is a reference for those wondering what to do.

Are May dolls lucky charms? Celebratory items? Items to watch over growth?

Happy family celebration

What are the May dolls for the Boys' Festival?

"May Dolls" refers to the traditional Japanese dolls that are displayed during the Boys' Festival (May 5th).

They are mainly displayed in hopes of the healthy growth of boys.

May dolls are often modeled after warriors from the Warring States period, including military commanders, helmets, and armor.

Some families prepare very extravagant items.

May dolls have a special place in Japanese culture with many different meanings.

The May dolls displayed during the Boy's Festival are seen as lucky charms, symbols of celebration, and as guardians of children's growth.

Traditionally, they are decorated by family and relatives to pray for the healthy growth of a boy, and are a symbol of prayers for the child's growth and health.

Recently, May dolls have become a soothing seasonal decoration.

However, recently its meaning has expanded even further.

The Golden Week long holiday is increasingly being seen as an opportunity to relax and enjoy time with family.

Due to these changes in lifestyle, the traditional value that May dolls originally had is beginning to take on new meaning.

Tango no Sekku decorations play an important role as a place for families to gather and enjoy the joy of the season.

Having these decorations displayed in your home will strengthen family bonds and create a more relaxed atmosphere in your living room.

This scene, where tradition and modernity blend together, demonstrates the richness of meaning that May dolls have.

May dolls are loved by many people not just as decorations but as an important element in fostering family bonds.

Healing Helmet Decoration

What happens if you don't display your May dolls?


Emphasize family fun: By not displaying May dolls, families can enjoy a more free space.

There is plenty of space in the rooms, allowing each family member to enjoy their own hobbies.


Decline in awareness of tradition and culture: Not displaying May dolls means families have fewer opportunities to experience tradition, culture, and seasonal changes.

May dolls are a symbol of traditional Japanese events and culture, and are also a seasonal feature.

With one less family event symbolizing this season, conversations about the culture of Tango no Sekku will become less frequent, and children will grow up without knowing its meaning.

In other words···

Golden Week marks the turning point of the season, with warm sunshine and comfortably fluttering curtains.

It is important to cherish family traditions and bonds, and displaying a May doll provides an opportunity for the family to come together and experience a relaxed family space.

Why are May dolls so expensive?

Traditional crafts are generally made by hand using traditional techniques and methods.

Each piece is handmade by skilled craftsmen.

Unique techniques and methods: Traditional crafts have unique techniques and methods that have been passed down for generations.

Attention to detail in each product Traditional crafts are made one by one by hand.

This allows the craftsmen to tailor and adjust each product to give it its own unique character and beauty.

Inheriting traditions and culture Traditional crafts that are handmade preserve the cultural traditions of the makers and pass on techniques to the next generation.

In this way, May dolls are expensive because they incorporate unique techniques and methods, attention to detail in each individual product, and the inheritance of tradition and culture.

Is it okay to hand down May dolls (helmet ornaments)?

The benefits of getting a new May doll

May dolls are a symbol of traditional Japanese culture, representing good luck charms, celebrations and watching over the growth of babies born from the womb.

  • Recent designs of May dolls are also compact and modern.

  • Some are also affordable

One option is to get a compact, affordable type.

[Benefits of hand-me-downs]

For mothers who value their family history, traditions and beliefs, a hand-me-down May doll can be a wonderful way to convey that love and well-wishes.

These hand-me-down helmets and armor are filled with thoughts and wishes passed down from past generations.

It is also financially friendly as it does not require any expenditure.

Sometimes a hand-me-down May doll, which symbolizes the love and bond between family members, can be the best choice rather than a new one.

When displaying a May doll, should you display a helmet ornament or a doll?

Helmet ornament

[Features of the helmet ornament]

Kabuto ornaments are primarily displayed to pray for the growth and health of boys.

The helmet symbolizes a warrior's bravery and masculinity, and represents the hope that the family's children will grow up healthy and grow up to be fine people.

[Features of the general ornament with a face]

The general ornaments with faces are displayed to pray for boys' vitality and healthy growth.

The chef's face expresses a smile, energy and innocence, and represents wishes for the healthy growth of children.

Preferences and meanings for helmet decorations and general decorations vary from household to household.

The decision of which one to decorate can be based on the family's wishes, culture and traditions.

Can May dolls be shared between siblings?

If two siblings share a May doll, the younger brother will remember it every year.

"I wonder if I don't have my own May doll...?"

"Didn't you prepare something for me...?"

This can create doubts and fears.

Given such sentiments, it may be advisable to have one for each person.

By preparing one for each child, each child can have their very own May doll and can pray for their growth and health.

This will demonstrate fairness and individual respect within the family, which will increase children's psychological self-esteem and satisfaction.

Even when sharing, parents need to tread carefully to allay their children's skepticism and fears.

It might be a good idea to prepare name flags and other items for each child.

Ultimately, it's important to make a choice that you're happy with, taking into account your family situation, relationships, and the personalities of your children.

How many May dolls should I prepare if I have twins?

If you have twins, it is ideal to have one May doll for each of them.

Even if there are twins, by preparing separate May dolls to celebrate each child's individuality and growth, each child can receive their own celebration.

Recently, two helmet ornaments for twins that also serve as a stand for a folding screen have also been sold.

However, due to issues such as family schedules and space, recently some families have been dealing with this by sharing the May doll and preparing two name banners, just as they would if there were siblings.

What's important is to value the growth of each child, even if they are twins, create annual "Children's Day events," communicate with them, and make the right choice.

I want to buy a May doll and enjoy Golden Week.

We are filled with excitement and anticipation as we look forward to purchasing our May dolls and enjoying a truly enjoyable Golden Week.

We imagine that decorating May dolls together with your family and enjoying traditional rites and events will deepen family bonds and create special memories.

Your heart will be filled with joy as your children play energetically, you share time with your family filled with smiles, and spend peaceful days.

Parents' thoughts about Tango no Sekku dolls and their children have not changed from the past to the present

Children's Day Events

In the garden, carp streamers are fluttering cheerfully in the wind under the blue sky.

First festival carp streamer

Summary | Is it okay to give hand-me-down May dolls?

In conclusion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with hand-me-down May dolls.

The important thing is that the feelings of the giver of the May doll are conveyed every year.

We believe that the role of the May doll is to imprint the love and bonds of family in a child's heart through experiences with family.

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