How to store insect repellent and desiccant in May dolls and where to store them
After the Boys' Festival on May 5th is over, it's time to tidy up.
Let's put away our May dolls carefully until next year.
Insect-proofing measures for May dolls
When storing your May doll, you may wonder what kind of insect repellent or desiccant you should use.
Also, how much should I put in? What are some tips on how to put it in and where should I put it?
We will answer your concerns.
Why do we put insect repellent in May dolls when putting them away?
These include parts for May dolls, fabric products and woodworking products.
Insect repellent is applied to prevent live insects and their subsequent laying of eggs, which then hatch and reproduce.
A year later, when the May dolls were taken out, the cloth parts of the helmet, armor, dolls, and hair had all been eaten...
This will ruin our beautiful May dolls.
To prevent this, put in some insect repellent.
There are many different types of insect repellents available for sale at drug stores.
They all have different effects, but they range in price from cheap to expensive.
The item in the photo is a doll care product. It is perfect for Hina dolls and May dolls.
The photo shows a Hina doll, but it can also be used as a May doll, so please feel free to use it.

In addition to the regular odorless product, there is also a sheet type that gently wraps around the doll.
I felt that it was very convenient.
In addition, the odorless type can be used together with other insect repellents.
If it's the type that doesn't have an odor, I think you'll be fine.
There is also a scented version available for your preference. The product is effective for one year.
What is the approximate number of pieces to put in? How should I put them in?
A good rule of thumb to consider is how many insect repellents to put in one box.
If you feel that the box is a little too large, it's fine to just put in another one.
Specifically, there will be one or two in the box containing the May doll itself.
For a small box of bows and swords, one will be enough.
The effect will not double if you add more. The purpose is to prevent live insects from breeding.
Any remaining insect repellent can be stored and used again the following year.

Which box should I put it in?
This is the box where you should put the insect repellent, but be sure to put it in the box containing the May doll itself.
Next, I think it would be a good idea to put it in a folding screen.
The designs on the folding screens are often made of fabric with embroidery applied.
Recently, there has been a growing trend to use nonwoven fabric to wrap these folding screens and display stands.
This is also made of cloth, so it would be safer to include it as a measure against insects.
Next up are the sword and bow and arrow, which we'll also include as a safety measure.
This is your precious child's May doll, so this one item will keep it looking beautiful for a long time.
With just a little effort, you can display your May doll in beautiful condition for years to come.
How you store it will affect how you celebrate Children's Day the following year, so you want to be well prepared when putting it away.
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May dolls are sensitive to moisture, so it is best to store them in a space that is well-ventilated and has good ventilation.
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