五月人形の飾り方 設置や飾る手順方法、順番 兜飾り 鎧飾り - ひなせい 五月人形

How to decorate May dolls: Steps for setting up and decorating, order of decoration, helmet decoration, armor decoration

The May dolls for the Boys' Festival are traditional decorations that are displayed to celebrate the growth of children.

It is especially common to display them in homes as a prayer for growth and health.

This page will introduce you to how to decorate and assemble a May doll.

Please use this as a reference on special days to celebrate your child's growth.

Helmet ornament explanation

Introducing how to decorate and assemble May dolls

Names and arrangement of parts of May dolls

Tips on how to decorate May dolls to feel both traditional and modern

  • 5 ways to decorate stylishly | May Dolls

  • 1. Decide where to display the May doll | Boys' Festival decorations Kabuto decorations

  • 2. How to decorate May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations Kabuto decorations

  • 3. Attention to detail in the decoration of May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations - Kabuto decorations

  • 4. Incorporate traditional elements with contemporary modern elements

  • 5. Care and storage of May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations, helmet decorations

When decorating a May doll, paying attention to the details of the decoration is essential to bringing out a sense of bravery and a modern, stylish look.

Decorating your home with May dolls in a modern way can instantly transform your space into a stylish one.

The following five important points should be kept in mind when decorating your May doll.

The space in your room will quickly be transformed into one that evokes the fresh greenery of Golden Week.

1. Deciding where to display it

Choosing the location to display the May doll is very important in order to bring out the doll's bravery and beauty.

Typically, this is a place where the family gathers, such as the living room or dining room.

Also, since May dolls are sensitive to sunlight and moisture, it is important to choose a place that is well-ventilated and out of direct sunlight.

2. How to decorate May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations Kabuto decorations

When displaying a May doll, correct placement is key to making it look luxurious.

It is also a good idea to display them in the center of a room or on a sideboard to pray for future happiness and health.

By arranging props and display stands in a well-balanced manner, the entire living space will be in harmony and will become a stylish space.

3. Attention to detail in the decoration of May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations - Kabuto decorations

Decorating May dolls requires intricate coloring and delicacy in the costumes, armor decorations, weapons, and other props.

By carefully checking these details and adjusting the angle of the armor's strings and the frame, the sophistication of the May doll can be further accentuated.

Tip: You can add seasonal flowers and greenery to make the decorations even more festive.

4. Incorporate traditional elements with contemporary modern elements

The May dolls celebrated on the Boys' Festival on May 5th are a traditional Japanese culture.

By combining traditional elements with a modern, stylish Western-style space,
It creates a more authentic and stylish atmosphere.

When displaying a May doll, a stylish electric lamp with sunlight filtering through the trees will create a stylish effect.

5. Care and storage of May dolls | Boys' Festival decorations, helmet decorations

There are some areas on the May doll where dust tends to accumulate.

Be sure to dust your decorations while they are on display.

It is recommended to gently wipe it off using a soft bristle brush or cloth.

If stains are still bothering you, apply a small amount of a thin coating of liquid, such as furniture wax, to a soft cloth and gently wipe away the stain.

However, if the stains are severe or you require a specialized cleaner, we recommend consulting a professional.

Recent flat display diagrams, layout and names

How to decorate and arrange May dolls

① Lay a green carpet

First, if you have a green carpet to place underneath the flat ornament, lay the carpet underneath.

② Decorate the platform for flat ornaments

3. Decorate with a folding screen

④ Decorate the main body of the May doll

⑤ Place the bow and sword on either side of the main body.

Sword to the right

Bow and arrow to the left

Be careful of the top and bottom of the sword.

How to place a helmet

Things to be careful of: The direction of the helmet's crest

Which is the correct horn (kuwagata) for a May doll?

When displaying May dolls, one thing that bothers me is the shape that the hoe-shaped crest (kuwagata) on the horns takes when it is inserted.

It is not uncommon to see customers celebrating the Boys' Festival.

Photos posted by our customers?

Maybe a blog of families celebrating the festival?

I bet she's decorating it herself to celebrate with her adorable son...

However, there are times when I think, "Huh?"

The way the hoe-shaped crest is inserted is different.

That's right.

How to attach a helmet crest

There are two or three insertion holes in this helmet part.

When there are three places, the crown is in the middle or it has a unique vertical design in the front.

Insert the flat metal corners into the sockets on both sides.

This metal also has a front and back, so please check it before inserting it.

The front features engraving of a pine needle pattern.

The artist's signature engraving is on the back.

And which is left and which is right?

This is where you all run into trouble.

There is no indication of right or left, and no basic information about right or left.

Basically, the shape of the helmet when it is inserted is as follows:

Think of it as the letter "U" in the Roman alphabet.

It is a curve going inwards, not outwards.

This is the correct way to insert a May doll.

Three-tiered display: How to display and assemble, and the order

The three-tiered May doll display is very luxurious and looks beautiful.

However, there are so many accessories that where do you place them?

There are many people who don’t understand.

We will explain and provide illustrations to help you with any concerns you may have.

Three-tiered May Dolls

This photo of a May doll shows the basic components.

Specific steps, procedures and preparations <How to decorate a May doll

To display a tiered display of May dolls, you will need the following items:

  • Green carpet

  • Boy's Day Doll Stand Folding Screen

  • The main body of the May decoration

  • May decoration accessories

① Lay a green carpet

First, if the three-tiered or flat display comes with a green carpet to place underneath, lay the carpet first.

② Assemble the three-tiered display

The frame of the three-tiered display is assembled, and from the bottom up, the top board is assembled in the following order: the valance, the thin top board, the middle valance, the thin top board, the middle valance, and the largest top board.

3. Decorate with a folding screen

Place the folding screens at the back of the top shelf, evenly spaced on both sides.

④ Decorate the main body of the May doll

The main dolls for May are three types: armor decorations, helmet decorations, and child general decorations.

Place the unit in the center of the top shelf.

⑤ Arrange the included parts starting from the top.

Swords and bows and arrows are displayed on either side of the May doll on the top tier.

A sword to the right.

Bow and arrow to the left.

A bonfire is placed in front of the bow and sword.

Many types come with a code.

Run the cord behind the doll's body to make it look nice.

In the middle row, in the photo,

1. They are a battle hat, a war drum, and a military fan.

2. There is also a type where a horse is displayed in the center of the middle shelf with warrior dolls on either side of it.

3. There is also a type that displays two swords, a large sword and a small sword.

There are many different combinations available.

Please rest assured that there is no particular problem even if the parts shown in the photo are not included.

On the lower tier, double-sided streamers, chimaki (rice dumplings), heishi (bottles), hassokudai (eight-legged stand), and kashiwamochi (oak leaf rice cakes) are displayed on both sides, with double-sided carp streamers on either side.

The three-tiered May doll display is very gorgeous.

It is difficult to decorate, but the meaning of the Boys' Festival, as well as the way of thinking and customs of people in the past, are all infused into the parts.

Celebrating Children's Day, known as Tango no Sekku, with these May dolls is a wonderful custom in itself.


When displaying a May doll, you need to consider where to display it, how to display it, carefully decorate the details, incorporate traditional and modern elements, and take care to care for and store it.

Keeping these points in mind, please enjoy the fun of decorating May dolls and the wonderful customs of Children's Day.

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