五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 喜びと幸せの初節句| 静岡県榛原郡の朱翔くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll: the first Boys' Festival of joy and happiness | Shusho-kun from Haibara-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture

Our whole family is very happy to be able to celebrate our child's first Doll Festival with Hinasei's gorgeous and lovely May dolls and carp streamers.

My husband and I had been married for nearly eight years without being blessed with a child, and after trying every type of treatment and becoming exhausted both physically and mentally, we had just given up when we found out we were blessed with this child.

My son, who was born safely and is growing up healthy to this day, is truly a treasure.
So this first festival feels like a dream and my heart is filled with joy and happiness.

I will send you photos of my son gazing at the helmet ornaments and carp streamers, clapping his hands and with a big smile on his face, with joy.

Comments of gratitude from Hinasei President Takeaki Aoki

I have seen your letter and photos.

I'm really glad that this treasure came my way.
This is one thing that doesn't go as the couple hoped.

This sentiment is well reflected in the writing.

Although I work in this Hatsu-Sekku business, my wife and I have not been able to have children for seven years.

We were also worried until the baby was born, wondering if it would come out safely.
And I remember feeling that way.

That little boy is now three years old.
Although he is a mischievous boy and requires a lot of care, I find my son's smile comforting and I enjoy being an embarrassed father every day.

I believe that Shusho's smile every day is a source of meaning to his parents' lives.
Please continue to shower us with lots of love.

thank you very much.


I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

Shusho poses for the photo with a big smile.
Each photo conveyed a fun atmosphere, and looking at them made me feel happy too.

When your child laughs, everyone around you laughs too... It's the greatest happiness for a family.

May dolls and helmets are displayed with the hope that the child will grow up healthy.
Decorate it every year and tell your child lots of stories about when he or she was born.

Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.

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