五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 思い出に残る初節句|静岡県島田市の煌右くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll: A memorable first festival | Kouyu-kun from Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture

I fell in love at first sight ♫ Peace ♫

This is the first time I've purchased this.

One of the deciding factors for us in making the purchase was the tiger and dragon folding screen.
Shall we call it love at first sight?
I am extremely grateful to Hinasei for creating such a wonderful product.

Also, seeing children's smiles and hearing their happy voices,
It was as if I was reminded once again of the beauty of these May dolls.

Thank you to all the employees for your very courteous service.

We had a very memorable first Doll Festival.


Comments of gratitude from Takeaki Aoki, president of May Dolls Hinasei

Thank you for posting a wonderful photo.
I am Takeaki Aoki, president of Hinasei May Dolls.

It was love at first sight.

He seemed to really like our folding screens.
All the staff are very happy.
Kouyu's smile as he is photographed with his older sister.
It's very cute and heartwarming.
It must have been a fun Children's Day celebration.
Through the May dolls, you can feel your child's growth with each passing year.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.


Thank you for your purchase!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Kouyu is smiling broadly in front of his helmet.
This is a wonderful celebratory photo that will make you smile at first glance.

This stand and folding screen was something I fell in love with at first sight.
Each piece is carefully made by a craftsman.

When we receive such kind words, all of our staff are encouraged to continue creating our products.
thank you.

Please continue to display your May dolls (with armor, helmet, and child general) to bring more smiles and memories to your family.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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