見応えもあり大好評 五月人形の鎧飾りで端午の節句 初節句|静岡県焼津市の琉真くん - ひなせい 五月人形

A sight worth seeing and a big hit: Boys' Festival First Festival with armor-decorated May dolls | Ryushin-kun, Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture

We celebrated the first festival together as a family with my grandparents.

The donated armor was of high quality, impressive and very well received.
I thought it might be too big for my apartment, but it's very impressive and stylish, so I'm glad I chose it! I'm very happy.

The hanging dolls are stylish and cute, and my son loves them.

I received some appropriate advice and was able to find a great May doll.
thank you very much.

I am Takeaki Aoki, president of Hinasei, a May Doll maker.
We are also very happy to hear that the hugely popular First Doll Festival celebration was a success.

Is your child just over 1 year old already?
He has such a strong-looking face that you could mistake him for a real person.

Your child is growing bigger day by day.

Next year around the time of the festival, my grandparents gave me a May doll as a present.
I think you will come to understand.

The armor you chose to donate is a real armor, and in the past, warlords had to go out to battle, and they visited the shrine to pray for success in battle.

When a warlord successfully won a battle, he would report his victory to the shrine where he had prayed, and the armor he had used was enshrined at the shrine as a token of his gratitude.

At that time, he said, "I will never wear this armor and go to battle again."
It is said that the statue was donated without its arms and legs.

This reproduction is the votive armor.

In particular, the armor that the customer chose was a highly skilled piece made from leather.

We hope that this will be a gift from grandparents to your child every year and that it will be displayed for many years to come.


I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

Ryuma is all smiles in front of the donated armor, which has been a big hit with his grandparents.

All the staff are very happy that you liked it.
Please continue to decorate it every year and watch over Ryuma as he grows up.

Thank you very much for this opportunity to come to Yaizu.

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