五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 豪華な料理と初節句|千葉の浦安市の旬君 - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Day with a helmet decoration for May dolls, sumptuous food and the first Boys' Day | Shunkun in Urayasu City, Chiba

I have made various comments and contacted you,
Thank you for your sincere response each time.

The helmet ornament you sent was a wonderful one of a kind.
On April 26th, we were able to successfully celebrate the first Doll Festival with the participation of both grandparents.

Thank you very much!

On the day, the jinbaori (battle coat) that was included with the package was
I tried to take a photo of my grandson "Shun" wearing a eboshi hat,
It has only been just over five months since his birth, so things haven't always gone as planned.

However, in front of the wonderful Hinasei-san's helmet ornament,
More than in the photo, my parents and both sets of grandparents congratulated me.
It was a gathering that gave us confidence that our grandson Shun will continue to grow up happy and healthy.


Comments of gratitude from Takeaki Aoki, Managing Director of May Dolls Hinasei

Thank you for your letter comments and photo submissions from Urayasu, Chiba.
Also, thank you for your lovely comment of gratitude.

Now, regarding the photos, I think you took some really good ones.
A photo of a family of four.

The main character, Shun-kun, is also looking straight into the camera,
A sumptuous meal in front of you.

I feel that this is a commemorative photo that truly captures the spirit of the first festival, as it was carefully taken.

As expected, we don't have a photo of Shun-kun alone, as he is still not able to sit by himself.
I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

However, we are also happy that the child's first Doll's Festival was celebrated safely by grandparents on both sides.

Thank you for connecting with us from far away Urayasu, Chiba.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

We were able to take some very lively photos with indoor carp streamers, name flags, and a lavish meal.

This is a wonderful photo that shows the heartfelt celebration of the family.

Shun-kun is currently being supported while sitting, but next year he says he would like to try wearing a helmet!

You might say something like that. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you very much for connecting with us from Urayasu, Chiba.

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