五月人形の鎧飾りで端午の節句 豪華な初節句|焼津市の暁人くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Day with a doll armor decoration for the Boys' Festival | A gorgeous first festival | Akito-kun, Yaizu City

We went to many stores looking for Tokugawa Ieyasu's armor and helmet, but couldn't find it. However, when we went to Hinasei, we found a nice one that we liked, and we all rejoiced, saying "This is it!"

This May doll is something we can all be proud of.
It's a treasure for life.


Comments of gratitude from Hinasei President Takeaki Aoki

Thank you from Yaizu for posting the photo of the May doll of Tokugawa Ieyasu's armor and helmet.

Apparently his older brother is also Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Your younger brother is also wearing Tokugawa Ieyasu's armor and helmet.

It seems that you also have an older sister, so you have a large family.
The youngest child will also grow up surrounded by older brothers and sisters.

It's a family structure where you can almost hear family conversations all day long, with the baby being looked after and played with.

It's great to see your busy days from the photos.

We are also very happy that our customers consider this a lifelong treasure.
Hinasei will keep this website page for the rest of its life, so please come and visit it with your family next year, the year after, and for many years to come.

When your children grow up and come to visit, they will remember the joy they felt at that time.

We sincerely hope for the continued growth of your family.


Thank you for the connection from Yaizu!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

Akito poses for a photo with his family in front of Tokugawa Ieyasu's armor and helmet.

His older brother's armor and helmet are also on display, which makes for a very impressive sight.

My older sister, older brother, grandparents, too.

It was a very lively and enjoyable first Doll Festival.

Please decorate it every year and continue to have fun celebrations.

We are very grateful to Yaizu for providing us with the armor and helmet of Tokugawa Ieyasu for the May doll.

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