五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|両家でお祝い 島田市の朝陽くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Celebration by both families Asahi-kun from Shimada City

I bought a helmet for my eldest son, Asahi's, May doll from Hinasei!
I went to several stores to decide on a May doll, but I couldn't forget the helmet from Hinasei that I saw first, so I decided to buy it.

The helmet I purchased was of Uesugi Kenshin and was different from the ones you can find in other stores; it was stylish, elegant and very impressive.

At first I was thinking of getting a gold one, but after much deliberation, I decided on Uesugi Kenshin's helmet and am so glad I did!

And there were other reasons why I decided to buy it.
There was a lion dance on the carp streamers that were also hung from the Hina dolls.
Handmade by Hinasei, it is very cute and enhances the helmet, adding a lively touch.

The other day, we celebrated the first Doll Festival with both families.
Asahi, who has recently been reluctant to wear hats, was, as expected, reluctant to wear a helmet.
However, when he grows up, he will surely be proud to wear his own helmet.

I look forward to watching Asahi grow up healthy, along with Kabuto.
I'm really glad I purchased it from Hinasei!
I am very very satisfied★

thank you very much.


Comments of gratitude from Hinasei President Takeaki Aoki

Thank you for choosing a Hinasei May doll from Shimada.

Uesugi Kenshin wearing a wearable helmet.
Uesugi Kenshin was known as the Tiger of Echigo.

In fact, the screen was intentionally made black to highlight the silver helmet.

The silver helmet is topped with a black screen and a silver-and-gold pattern.
The gold-leaf design is accented with a sparkling porogram treatment, which makes the helmet really stand out.

Well, I've gotten as far as the technical details go, but I still don't want to overlap with anyone else!

After hearing about it from an acquaintance of mine, my son finally happily wore it for his 3rd birthday's festival.
We have received such reports.

Please be patient and wait for it to fit.
Before long, I'm sure they'll be posing for photos with the "Shakin'!" pose!

Thank you for your request, Shimada.

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