五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|ベストショット!吉田のお客様 - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for May dolls | Best shot! Customers from Yoshida

For my first ever Boys' Festival, my grandparents bought me a beautiful helmet.

My son was very happy with the cool helmet!!
No matter how much she cries, as soon as she comes in front of Kabuto she stops crying immediately.
I also managed to take some great shots.
I look forward to decorating it every year from now on.


Comments of gratitude from Hinasei Managing Director Takeaki Aoki

Wow, you really captured the best photos of your child's smiling face.

It must be very pleasing for parents to see their children smiling like this,
Don't you have one?

As you can see from the photo of the three of you and your parents,
Your son is receiving a lot of love. I think he understands that.

It is rare to find a child of this age who shows this level of sensitivity.

I'm sure your child smiles because he feels safe with you two as a couple...
It's such a wonderful thing.

Please continue to raise your children well.

Having a good relationship among family members is also our greatest wish.


Thank you Yoshida for the connection!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hinasei May Dolls.

Even though he is small, Raigen is captured in the best possible shot. It's wonderful.
I'm sure he liked the helmet. All the staff are very happy.

I'm sure he'll be wearing a helmet next year and show us a different look.
There's always more to look forward to.

We are very grateful for this opportunity from Yoshida Town.

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