五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 素敵な初節句|長野県飯田市の一颯くん - ひなせい 五月人形

A wonderful first Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Issayū-kun from Iida City, Nagano Prefecture

My parents, who live in Shizuoka, purchased this from Hinasei for their son's first Doll's Festival, who was born in December 2014, and had it delivered to Nagano.
It was a very big and cool helmet and my husband's parents were very happy with it!
My son is only 5 months old so he probably doesn't understand it yet, but I'm looking forward to showing it to him next year!
I am happy that the helmet of Tokugawa Ieyasu from Shizuoka will be displayed in Nagano after it is married off to him!
Thanks to Hinasei, we had a wonderful first Doll Festival!
thank you very much!!


A wonderful first Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Issayū-kun from Iida City, Nagano Prefecture

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

My name is Ohata and I am a staff member at Hinasei.
Thank you for the lovely, heartwarming photos and letter.
The photo of the whole family smiling beautifully shows that they had a wonderful first Doll Festival.
Kazuhata looks great in his jinbaori (battle kimono), and his smile is soothing to the staff as well.
I'm sure by next year he'll be standing up on his own and playing with a bow and sword...
I wonder if I'll be wearing Tokugawa Ieyasu's helmet in a little while...
It's really wonderful to see my child grow up and be able to do things today that they couldn't do yesterday.
Please continue to watch over your son's growth and health.
Thank you very much for the opportunity.

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