他にはない 五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|埼玉県の颯くん - ひなせい 五月人形

A unique May doll helmet decoration for the Boys' Festival | Hayate-kun from Saitama Prefecture

This time, I came across Hinasei's products while I was searching hard for something good for my son.

I chose this product because of its unique, high quality and elegance at first sight.

My son was very happy and we had a wonderful celebration for his first birthday.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hinasei.
Thank you for the lovely, heartwarming photos and letter.

Hayato has a brilliant smile.
All the staff at Hinasei are very happy that you had a fun first Doll's Festival.

Also, if you display the helmet on top of the chest in which it was stored, it will look more impressive and powerful.
Please give it a try.

Children grow up very quickly.
I'm sure he'll be a good talker by next year's Boys' Festival.
Also, through the Boys' Festival, we hope you will create many wonderful memories with your family.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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