一生もの 五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|東京都の壮真くん

A lifetime doll helmet decoration for Boys' Festival and the first Boys' Festival | Soshin-kun, Tokyo

The other day, we celebrated our first Doll Festival.
As this was my first child and my eldest son, it was a long-awaited celebration. I was given a nice helmet and started decorating it in April. On the day, both sets of grandparents gathered and we were able to celebrate my son Souma together.

I didn't really understand the meaning of the Boys' Festival, but after reading the booklet that came with the helmet, I learned about its history and the meaning of displaying May dolls. We are new parents, but now that we are parents, we understand the feelings of parents who love their children.

I want to continue celebrating together with Kabuto every year so that we can look back and laugh about our growth.
This was a wonderful, lifelong first gift for my son, who chose us to be born.

thank you very much.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

My name is Tsujii and I am a staff member at Hinasei.

Thank you for your letter and photos.

Souma's gentle smile shows that he is receiving a lot of love from his family.
There are so many beautiful photos.

A helmet as a gift from my grandparents.

I want you to grow up healthy... and big and strong...
It is filled with various thoughts.

I would be so happy if Souma grows up and begins to feel his family's feelings.

We hope you continue to enjoy a Tango no Sekku filled with smiles.

Thank you for the opportunity.

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