祖父母からの端午の節句飾りで初節句|埼玉県の昊平くん・昇世くんの五月人形 - ひなせい 五月人形

First Boys' Festival with decorations from grandparents | May dolls for Kohei and Noboru from Saitama Prefecture

Thank you very much for the wonderful May doll.
The dolls made by your company, carefully selected by my grandfather, are stately and impressive.
This March, my grandparents prepared beautiful May dolls for their first grandchild, who turned two years old, and for their second grandchild, who is still in the womb.

I was sure that he would not be able to make it in time for this year's Children's Day, but my second son was born safely just before the festival, as if to fulfill his grandparents' expectations.
I was in hospital on the day of the festival, having just given birth, so the celebration had to be postponed until next year, but I was glad that we were able to take photos at a later date.
I am simply grateful that they did not just buy one set for the two of us, but provided each of us with a set without any discrimination.

Let's all celebrate in a big way next year.
Thank you so much, Grandpa and Grandma.
Please live long enough for your sons to be able to show their gratitude to their grandparents.


First Boys' Festival with decorations from grandparents | May dolls for Kohei and Noboru from Saitama Prefecture

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hinasei.

Thank you for the lovely, heartwarming photos and letter.

All the staff were delighted to be able to take photos with the overwhelming love of the grandparents who prepared helmets for each child.
I'm sure your older brother is very happy to have a new little brother.

I wonder if they take care of him every day?!
I look forward to watching them grow day by day.
I hope we all have a great celebration next year.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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