五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 待ちに待った初節句|静岡県静岡市のるいくん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Rui-kun from Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture

nice to meet you.
My parents recently purchased a May doll as a gift, and I displayed a helmet on it.
It was my first festival and I didn't know what to do, but I'm so grateful that you came to my house and even helped me decorate it.
thank you very much.

I am an only child and my parents are very happy to have me, as I am their long-awaited grandchild and they dote on me very much.
There was very little amniotic fluid before he was born, so he was born by Caesarean section a month early.He was small at 1,750 grams and placed in an incubator with many tubes connected, and looked very painful, but we are grateful that he is now growing big and healthy.

He's a very energetic boy and just playing with him every day leaves me exhausted.
Her dimples are her charming feature.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hinasei.
Thank you so much for your heartwarming letter and all the photos.

The photos show how the baby is growing up healthily, receiving lots of love from many people.

There were a lot of difficulties when you were born.
However, all of our staff are truly happy that you have celebrated your first Doll's Festival in such good spirits.
I hope you will continue to make lots of memories with Rui, who will show off a different side of himself next year and the year after.
And strengthen the bonds between your family members.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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