五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 幸せを願う初節句|静岡県藤枝市の和空君 - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for May dolls | Waku-kun, Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Wishing for the happiness of my long-awaited child, I purchased a helmet featuring Uesugi Kenshin.

The shop staff told me that Uesugi Kenshin was a man who did many kind deeds to people, so I chose this statue because I want my son to grow up to be a kind person as well.

Every year, I would like to gather around this helmet and celebrate with my whole family.


Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for May dolls | Waku-kun, Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hinasei.
Thank you for the lovely, heartwarming photos and letter.

Thank you for the very fun photos.
It is clear from the photos that they had a wonderful first Doll Festival.
Waku-kun receives a lot of love from a lot of people.
I'm sure he will grow up to be a nice person just as I hoped.
I'm looking forward to it ♪

Please continue to decorate your May dolls every year and cherish time with your family.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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