五月人形で初節句 端午の節句飾り|元気にキラキラ輝く静岡県藤枝市の大介くん - ひなせい 五月人形

First Boy's Day decorations with May dolls | Daisuke-kun from Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, sparkling with energy

Thank you for being born, Dai-chan!!
Everyone was looking forward to Dai-chan's birth.
And on the day we met, we all felt really happy and delighted.

Since that day, we have experienced many firsts every day as we celebrated our first Doll Festival.
I am grateful that he has grown up so quickly.
I hope that she will continue to grow up to be a child who has a bright and cheerful expression.

Dai-chan's smile gives everyone energy. Thank you!!
I would like to continue watching Dai-chan grow up with his May doll next year and the year after that.
I look forward to seeing your continued growth.


First Boy's Day decorations with May dolls | Daisuke-kun from Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, sparkling with energy

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

From the way he looks at us with curious eyes and the way he is firmly holding the kashiwamochi (!), this photo really gives us the feeling that he will grow up to be a healthy child.
I'm sure you're having lots of fun experiences every day.

From the letter and photographs, we can get a vivid impression of Daisuke growing up surrounded by his entire family.
I've been feeling happy so far.

We all sincerely hope that you will grow up healthily surrounded by the love of your kind-hearted big sister and your family.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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