五月人形で初節句|笑顔いっぱい焼津市の英章くんのこどもの日|端午の節句飾り - ひなせい 五月人形

First festival with May dolls | Children's Day full of smiles for Hideaki-kun from Yaizu City | Boys' Festival decorations


First festival with May dolls | Children's Day full of smiles for Hideaki-kun from Yaizu City | Boys' Festival decorations

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
Thank you for the heartwarming photos.

It's a photo that might make you think it's dangerous (the sword is in his mouth), but his father is holding him from behind with his hands.
It was heartwarming to see that they didn't just flatly say "No!", but let them try it out and watch over them (^^♪

Her strong smile makes us feel confident about her future.
I'm sure it will grow up healthy and strong.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of life he will live with those curious eyes.

The photo of him from behind is also heartwarming, as you can see his expression as he looks at the camera.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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