可愛い孫の成長を五月人形と願う|千葉県松戸市の理人くんの初節句こどもの日 - ひなせい 五月人形

Wishing for the growth of my cute grandson with a May doll | Masato's first Children's Day in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture

For my grandchild's first Doll's Festival, my daughter and her husband and I looked around at various doll stores and were undecided, but we ultimately decided on Hinasei.
My sister's Hina doll is also a Hinasei doll.
I would like to pray for the growth of my cute grandchild along with the May doll.


Wishing for the growth of my cute grandson with a May doll | Masato's first Children's Day in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture

Thank you for the opportunity.
I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Thank you very much for choosing our May doll to celebrate your grandchild's first Doll's Festival.
She also purchased a Hina doll for her older sister, and we are very happy to have this continued connection.

The bow tie outfit is very cute.
This year he's sitting in a Bumbo, but next year he'll probably be walking.
Please watch over their growth and celebrate them for many years to come.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with us.

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