2つ並べると迫力も2倍!|静岡県藤枝市の悠月くんの五月人形 初節句のお祝い - ひなせい 五月人形

Put two together and it's twice as impressive! | Celebrating the first Boy's Festival doll of Yuzuki-kun, Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture

This year marked my second son's first Doll's Festival.
For my long-awaited second child, I purchased a helmet just like his older brother.

This year, he wasn't able to wear a helmet because he was just born, but from next year I hope to take photos of myself and his brother wearing helmets together.

Putting two helmets side by side makes it twice as impressive!
It's very cool and I like it.
Looking at my sons lined up in front of Kabuto, I know raising children is hard, but I'll do my best!

This was the first Children's Festival that made me feel like I wanted to continue to protect their smiles.

My brother's first festival ↓


Put two together and it's twice as impressive! | Celebrating the first Boy's Festival doll of Yuzuki-kun, Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
Thank you for the heartwarming photos.
They look like close brothers in matching clothes!

Your brother looks very much like the photo I gave him of him as a baby.
I'm sure he's the same energetic little boy he was back then, growing up faster and healthier!

Next year may be the last time I can wear the helmet alongside my brother.
As my older brother gets bigger, it looks like Kabuto will be the first to outgrow it.

All of our staff look forward to seeing you both grow up healthy and strong.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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