一目惚れした五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|静岡県焼津市の朝輝くん

First Boys' Festival with a helmet ornament from a May doll that I fell in love with at first sight | Asahi-kun from Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture

After going around to various shops, I finally found Hinasei, where my grandparents gave me a helmet that I fell in love with at first sight as a gift.

I'm really glad that we were able to celebrate together with my son, who has grown up to be full of energy.
I am healed by this smile every day.
I'm looking forward to seeing how people react to next year's Boys' Festival.


First Boys' Festival with a helmet ornament from a May doll that I fell in love with at first sight | Asahi-kun from Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
Thank you for the heartwarming photos.

As expected, Asahi is a very energetic boy who loves playing outside and going for walks. I'm sure he will grow up to be a very reliable child.
I'm sure I'll be wearing a black helmet next year, and I'm sure it will have a presence that goes far beyond its appearance and make everyone at home squint their eyes.

I believe that May dolls are a physical embodiment of the feelings that have been passed down for many years as a protection for children.
I hope that you will help protect Asaaki's healthy growth.
May it protect the happiness of your family.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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