五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|健やかな成長を…静岡県静岡市の甲真くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for May dolls | For healthy growth...Koma-kun from Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture

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Thank you very much(^^)

Today is the first Children's Day in the new era of "Reiwa."
This day came at the end of the 10-day Golden Week holiday.

Our son was born a little over a year ago.

This time last year he was still just a soft baby, but now he has grown enough to walk a little on his own.
Although she feels happy about his growth, her days are hectic.

In the midst of all this, I received a helmet gift from my wife's parents.
It's a fine helmet with an elaborate design.

The son's name contains the single character "甲" (ko), and he was named this way in the hope that he would grow up strong and kind.
Seeing the magnificent helmet with my own eyes reminds me of the feelings I had when I named it, and it gives me a sense of responsibility as a parent.

I pray for this helmet to ensure my son's healthy growth in the future.
I pray to this helmet that my child will grow up to be strong and kind.

And when this child grows up, I want to tell him about all the congratulations that so many people have given him and what they think of him.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Yoshinaga, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Thank you for the heartwarming photos.

He's at the age where he puts everything in his mouth.
I looked at the photos and it was heartwarming.

Your father's comments also brought me to tears.
With so many people congratulating him and thinking of him, I'm sure Kouma will grow up to be a wonderful adult.

It is said that the shell also contains the meaning of "protection."
That is why I have heard that the character "kacchu" (armor) was used to refer to the armor, as it protects the body and soul of a samurai.

I hope you grow up to be a strong, kind, and wonderful adult.
I hope that one day you and your family will experience that wonderful moment when you realize that you have been celebrated by so many people.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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