五月人形の子供大将飾りで端午の節句 初節句|仲良し兄弟 埼玉県朝霧市の方 - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival first festival with a May doll for a child general | Close brothers from Asagiri City, Saitama Prefecture

Thank you to my grandparents and everyone at Hinasei for being such a cool boss.
On my younger brother's first Doll's Festival, he stood next to his older brother, the chef.
The hanging carp streamers are a favorite of both my brothers.

My little brother is now 7 months old and has started crawling.
He's just as good at fighting over toys as his older brother.
I think he'll become as strong as a general.

This is my brother's third festival.
I am now able to help out by preparing the chef's sweets.
He became as strong as the general and was able to go to kindergarten without crying.
My mom took a commemorative photo of me, my dad and my three brothers.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

I'm Ohata, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Your lovely letter tells us how busy your days are.
The sight of all the child chefs lined up is truly impressive!
As someone involved in the production of the dolls, it makes me very happy to see children crawling around looking at them!

I'm sure next year you'll grow even more and become interested in different things (^^)
Maybe your little one will have fun decorating by imitating their older brother.
We hope you will enjoy displaying it every year.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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