五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 お姉ちゃんと一緒に初節句|静岡県沼津市の司龍くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll First Boys' Festival with his older sister | Shiryu-kun from Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture

My eldest son, Shiro, was born in July of last year and was a gift from both sets of grandparents.

When I visited the shop and was shown a variety of items and listened to explanations, I had a hard time deciding because they were all so beautiful, but in the end I decided on a helmet and folding screen in the calming colors of black and green, featuring the character for "dragon" (dragon) which is my name.

When you actually display it, you can see the intricate details and it is very impressive.
Everyone looks so cool!! I'm so glad I chose this!! I'm in awe every time I see it.

My 2-year-old daughter especially liked it and said Shi-chan's helmet is so cool!! I want to take a picture soon!!
He was so excited that he let me take a photo of him.

He also seemed to like the hanging carp streamers, and whenever he saw them he would touch them and say, "They're so cute♡" (laughs).

He wasn't able to wear it this year, but I'm looking forward to seeing him wearing it in a few years when he's a little older.
May you grow up to be as reliable, strong and healthy as the black iron helmet.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

My name is Tsujii, and I am a staff member at Hinasei Dolls in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

With a big smile on his face, Shiryu-kun looks so happy that it makes us happy too.
He seems really happy to be loved by his kind older sister!
We understand that you came to our store, saw the actual product and decided to purchase it.
When you actually display it and see it up close, you'll be overwhelmed by its power.

At our store, we have conducted extensive research into helmets and make them with attention to detail.
We can hear that you enjoyed creating these intricate pieces, which has made our craftsmen very happy.
thank you.

I hope you will decorate it every year and have a wonderful time celebrating the festival.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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