五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|幸せのお裾分け 東京都品川区の和士くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival First Festival with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Sharing happiness Kazushi-kun from Shinagawa, Tokyo

The whole family was impressed by the beautiful helmet, and our 8-month-old son was also very interested and looked at it with joy.
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, I was unable to celebrate the first festival with my grandparents, who gave me the helmet.
I would like to display this helmet and celebrate Tango no Sekku together, praying for my son's healthy growth next year, the year after, and for many years to come.

It is a great blessing for our family to have come across such a beautiful and magnificent helmet ornament.
This helmet was carefully and delicately made by everyone at Hinasei,
I would like to continue to cherish it.
Thank you very much.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

My name is Tsujii, and I am a staff member at Hinasei Dolls in Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Her bright and cute smile was as bright as the sun, and all the craftsmen and staff were completely comforted!
The photos you sent us really show how happy you were spending your time together.
Thank you for sharing your happiness ^^

The helmet ornaments are made with attention to detail, and when worn they look just as brave and stylish as a real helmet.

I am very honored that Kazushi-kun has also shown an interest in it.
Be sure to wear it next year and have fun!

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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