五月人形の兜飾りで端午の節句 初節句|パーティ!石川県加賀市の希明くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival Party with a helmet decoration for a May doll | Noriaki-kun from Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture

Thank you very much for making such a wonderful and beautiful May doll.
It was my son's first Doll's Festival, and I was worried about how we should celebrate it during the coronavirus pandemic, but fortunately we all live in the same neighborhood, so we were able to gather together with three generations of our family to present the May doll and spend a time filled with smiles.

We displayed the May doll in our living room for two months, from April to May.
My son was also delighted when he saw the sparkling helmet and desperately reached out to get it.

My son was born small, weighing just 1,998g, but I hope he will grow up to be someone who shines big like this helmet, and who can make himself and those around him smile.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Kurebayashi, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

We were also happy to see from the photos and letters that you all gathered together and had a fun and happy time filled with smiles.
As Noriaki-kun looked up at the helmet ornament, his whole family was watching him.
It's clear that they are receiving a lot of love, and I think the photos are very heartwarming.

Nozomi-kun was very interested in the sparkling helmet ornaments and battle robes.
I am very honored.
The shiny embroidery is very pretty.
I'm already looking forward to seeing what they'll be interested in next year!

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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