五月人形の鎧飾りで端午の節句 初節句の素敵な思い出|広島県福山市の俊一郎くん・謙伸くん - ひなせい 五月人形

Celebrating Boys' Festival with armor decorations for May dolls: A wonderful memory of the first Boys' Festival | Shunichiro and Kenshin from Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Thank you for sending me this wonderful May doll.

Name: Shunichiro (4 years old) Kenshin (6 months old)

Every year, my eldest son would decorate the house with my brother's May doll (which was made 40 years ago).

It's been four years since I learned the true meaning of May dolls, but I was able to give my younger brother one of Hinasei's lovely May dolls to celebrate his first Doll Festival, and it created a wonderful memory for me.
thank you very much.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Tsujii, a staff member at Hina Dolls.
Thank you for purchasing the armor decoration for your brother.
The sight of the two armors lined up next to each other is truly majestic and impressive!
I'm honored that it was so beautifully decorated.

The contrast between the different types of armor you have chosen is beautiful.
It seems as though they are both helping each other grow, just like siblings growing together.
In the photo, Shunichiro-kun and Kenshin-kun look happy in front of the armor decoration,
All the staff who saw it had smiles on their faces.

Seeing the proud look on my brother's face in front of his own armor decoration made me happy too.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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