伊達政宗の五月人形の兜飾 初節句|静岡県焼津市の湊月くん

Masamune Date's May Doll Helmet Decoration First Festival | Minatozuki-kun, Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Shibata, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

The cheerful, smiling expression in front of the May doll of Date Masamune is very charming.
The way he held on to the chair and looked at me was also heartwarming.

We are truly happy that you chose our May doll for Minatotsuki-kun's first Doll Festival.
The black Date Masamune helmet and screen give off a chic and cool look.
Maybe next year Minatotsuki will join us and help us decorate.

The helmet will be wearable, so I think you'll be able to see Minatotsuki looking cool wearing it.
I'm looking forward to it.

All of our staff sincerely hope that Minatotsuki will grow up healthy.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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