五月人形の鎧飾りで良い写真が撮れました 初節句|鹿児島県の大毅くん - ひなせい 五月人形

I was able to take a great photo of the armor decoration of the May doll. First festival | Daiki-kun from Kagoshima Prefecture

Thank you for making this wonderful helmet.
Thanks to you, our first Doll Festival was a very memorable one.

Our family lives in Kagoshima Prefecture, but our grandparents in Fukuoka, who rarely get to see their grandchildren, gave us a Hinasei helmet as a gift.

It was so large that my relatives and acquaintances were amazed, saying they had never seen such a large and magnificent helmet.

I was able to take some great photos, so I would like to enter them in a photo contest.
The photo shows my son and my grandfather in Fukuoka smiling.
He looks very happy.


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

I'm Saito, a staff member at Hinase Dolls.

The shining golden helmet ornament looks a little loose, as expected!
Daiki's expression as he smiles shyly is also adorable.

Since they don't get to meet their grandparents very often, the helmet that they gave to Daiki is sure to be filled with their fond memories of him.

The head-type helmet ornaments can be worn until about the first grade of elementary school, so why not try wearing one again next year?
Every year that he puts on the helmet, it gradually gets tighter, and I think you can really see Daiki's growth.
I'm looking forward to it.

I sincerely hope that Daiki will grow up healthily.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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