双子のかっこいい五月人形:東京都の律希くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

Cool twin May dolls: Ritsuki from Tokyo | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

I'm happy with this cool helmet

A nice helmet

I look forward to decorating it every year.

A dignified helmet ornament

A helmet as a gift from my grandparents

Twin May Dolls: Ritsuki from Tokyo | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

I have twin daughters, a boy and a girl, and a few months ago I celebrated my daughters' first Hinamatsuri using Hinasei's Hina dolls.
This time, my grandparents gave me a Hinasei helmet as a gift.

It looked so cool and I was so happy that I took lots of photos which I'd like to send to you.

It's a beautiful helmet and I look forward to displaying it every year.


Twin May Dolls: Ritsuki from Tokyo | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Saito, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

The photo of the family smiling in front of the helmet ornament is very lovely.
Ritsuki and Yuzuki's outfits are also very lovely.
We saw so many wonderful photos and the staff was very happy.
There are various objects around the helmet ornament, which is wonderful.
It also matches Ritsuki's calm demeanor perfectly.

We are incredibly honored that the twin siblings chose our company for both their helmet ornaments and Hina dolls.
We hope that we can continue to add color to your couple's seasonal celebrations with our seasonal products.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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