仙台ゆかりの伊達政宗の五月人形:宮城県仙台市の碧海くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

May doll of Date Masamune, who has ties to Sendai: Heikai-kun from Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

May doll of Date Masamune, who has ties to Sendai: Heikai-kun from Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

For my first birthday, I celebrated with a lovely May doll of Date Masamune, who has ties to Sendai, which was a gift from my grandmother!

I hope you will grow up to be a wonderful person who is healthy and able to protect the people you love...
She looks great in her costume ⭐︎We got a nice shot of her looking straight into the camera!
Smiling with my beloved grandma ⭐︎

My sister and mom have a puzzled look on their faces lol


May doll of Date Masamune, who has ties to Sendai: Heikai-kun from Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Saito, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Aomi-kun is so adorable as he shows us a variety of different expressions in front of Date Masamune's helmet.
Aomi-kun was smiling brightly as he sat on his grandmother's lap, and the expressions on his face when he was with his mother and older sister were all very bright and it was clear that they had enjoyed a fun festival celebration.

We also hope that Aomi's mother's wishes will reach him.
We hope that next year and beyond, Aomi and his family will continue to celebrate wonderful seasonal festivals with our helmet ornaments.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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