迫力の兜にうっとり:香川県観音寺市の勝斗くん|端午の節句 初節句 - ひなせい 五月人形

Enchanted by the impressive helmet: Katsuto-kun from Kan'onji City, Kagawa Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival

An impressive helmet

A heavy-looking May doll

Modern wearable helmets

My son's precious May doll

A helmet full of feelings

Enchanted by the impressive helmet: Katsuto-kun from Kan'onji City, Kagawa Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Boys' Festival


Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Saito, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Both the energetic look in the headband and the smiling Katsuto in the beige suit are lively and very beautiful.
Perhaps the family is in the line of sight, as the photoshoot is conveying a fun atmosphere.
The helmet ornaments were beautifully displayed and all the staff were very happy to see the sparkling helmets.
We hope that you will continue to display helmet ornaments to celebrate seasonal festivals next year as well, and that you will be able to celebrate Katsuto's growth in many ways.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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