賑やかな初節句:静岡県焼津市の來依くん|端午の節句 初節句

A lively first festival: Raiyo-kun from Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Festival

Wearing a helmet makes you proud

I found a helmet that I really liked.

A lively first festival


A lively first festival: Raiyo-kun from Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Festival

Although the photo contest period has passed, I was able to find a helmet that I really liked, and I sent the photo with gratitude.

It's a lively first festival.

When he put on the helmet he smiled proudly.


A lively first festival: Raiyo-kun from Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture | Boys' Festival First Festival

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I'm Saito, a staff member at Hina Dolls.

Thank you for the photos of your fun family celebration.
The helmet ornaments were beautifully displayed and all the staff were very pleased.
The photos of Rai-kun wearing a helmet and a haori coat are both very cool.
Your eyes will be drawn to the smiling face.

We are very pleased that you chose our helmet ornament to celebrate Rai-kun's important festival.
This helmet ornament is a sturdy and carefully crafted helmet that can be worn for celebratory occasions.

From next year onwards, if you can wear the helmet without any support, I think you will be able to feel Rai's growth even more.
I hope that the celebrations of Raiyo-kun's festival will be fun and lively every year.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

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